
Journey of a Handmade Book

Plus we lit candles! For Democracy! It was nice!

It’s election day and if you’re feeling heavy about oh, I don’t know, the continued existence of democracy, please remember, you’re not just matter, you’re energy. In fact, I’d say you’re a multi-dimensional being of light. All. Day. Long.

Speaking of being a multidimensional being of light, last night a whole bunch of us got together on Zoom to Light a Candle for Democracy and it felt very grounding —thank you thank you to everyone who joined in. We meditated on embodying our secular values—like democracy, the rule of law, equality, inclusion, and accountability—so we can radiate these values out to the world, both through our individual physical selves and through being energetically connected to like-minded fellow travelers like each other—and there’s a lot of us!

I’ve already re-lit my candles this morning:

My Zine Video

During the last several weeks of this election season, I’ve been slowly working on creating the first quarterly zine for my “Founding Members.” The project kept getting bigger and it took me a lot longer than I initially thought, but they are finally finished.

And I love my little zine babies.

In the video above, I first explain a bit about the content of my zine, but my favorite part are the clips of each stage of my creative process. I hope you watch and enjoy it.

Perhaps I got a little carried away making these books—I printed every cover by hand, for instance—but I loved designing and creating them. And I wanted the very first zine I sent out to my “Founding Members” of the The Pink Teacup to be extra special. Each of these handmade zine books will be signed and numbered, so it’s definitely a limited edition, even if I can’t tell you exactly how many just yet.

If, after watching, you’d also like to personally own one of these handmade books, all you need to do is sign up to become a “Founding Member” of The Pink Teacup. To get this particular zine book, you need to sign up by November 30, 2024. But every quarter, I’ll be sending a zine to my Founding Members. So if you join later, you’ll just get whatever zine is happening in that quarter!

To get the book, or to even just consider what being a “Founding Member” means, click on the link below this paragraph which will either say “Subscribe” or “Upgrade” and it will take you to a little page that shows you three subscriber options—including continuing to be a free subscriber. You can then take a look and see if upgrading right now is right for you.

And if you are already a paid subscriber (thank you!!) and you want to get the book, you can upgrade to “Founding Member” and Substack will prorate your subscription based on when you initially signed up!

What the heck?

If you have no idea what the heck a “Founding Member” is, no worries, it’s just Substack’s way of offering different paid subscriber tiers. And if you don’t know what Substack is, no worries, it’s simply the platform this newsletter—and thousands of others—lives on! (I must say, it’s one of the more life-affirming spaces on the internet and it’s growing exponentiallly because it’s so non-toxic.)

Coming Up

On this note of paid-subscription-this and founding-member-that, I also wanted to let you know that I’m feverishly working on a drawing meditation for both my paid and founding members that I’m pretty excited about. I’ll definitely be making a video explaining how that works and I’ll have plenty of suggestions for my free subscribers too.

Get Out in Nature

In the meantime, if you can, get outside in Nature today as an antidote to election anxiety and don’t start watching the pundits too early—they’re just paid to fill the hours with repetitive speculation until there is something real to talk about.

Personally, I’m gonna grab my binoculars and take a beauty hike later this morning.

And for any of you who are working the polls today—thank you for your dedication—I salute you!

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