
The Power of Obstacles

And the Magic of Removing Them

This week, I decided to experiment and create a video newsletter. I hope you take a few minutes to watch and let me know what you think!

I am imagining doing this one Tuesday a month—maybe interviews, maybe visual video essays (not exactly sure what that is, but I love the sound of it), but in the meantime, I’m still getting my sea legs!

If you’re wondering what my getting my video-making-sea-legs looks like, picture my laptop teetering on a stack of books and boxes resting on top of my ironing board in the sewing corner of my studio with green tomato tape pulling the extension cord for my microphone away from the laptop screen as I recorded myself.

Wait, you don’t have to picture it. Here’s a picture:

Plus a pic of my microphone that J. managed to dangle upside down from the ceiling…

By the way, these green beams are the vigas I was referring to in my video.

What can I say? I’m cutting edge.

Reading, Writing, and Listening: What’s Your Style?

All video posts come with both closed captioning and a written transcript, so if you’d rather read than watch, click on the transcript button at the top of this post on the right hand side next to the “share” button.

Or, if your more of a podcast listener, you could just play the video and listen as you do the dishes or paint your toenails without watching me at all!

Speaking of reading, watching and listening, how do you like receiving information these days on the interwebs? Reading? Listening to Podcasts? Videos? A combo? Here’s a little poll, I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts. And don’t worry, it’s completely anonymous!


Obstacle Removal on Steroids

Or maybe estrogen!

As I finished making this video, we all experienced a giant group obstacle-removal first-hand on Sunday when Joe Biden stepped aside and endorsed Kamala Harris. I couldn’t have asked for a better, more obvious example of what an energetic shift looks and feels like when an obstacle is removed.

People’s fears and Biden’s entrenchment created a strong feeling of anxiety and stagnation that seemed to go on and on until Biden’s announcement suddenly unleashed and transformed all that contained and repressed energy into a flood of relief and support for a new direction (as well as a flowering of heartfelt appreciation toward him.) She raised 81 million dollars in 24 hours.

The energetic shift felt/feels palpable to me—so wild to experience. How about you? It’s times like this where I really feel how interconnected we are as a species—and/or as tribes within our species.

And if you’re crossing your arms right now because Harris is not what you were looking for in a candidate, it’s still a gigantic concrete example of what I talk about in the video, so focus on that part and see what’s possible! :D

What I’m Listening to Right Now

And for those of you who are excited by the politic shift that happened on Sunday, this is what I’ve been dancing to in my studio:

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