Sarah, what succinct insights you convey! I'm gathering your words for my journey back into my creative self--and your timing with this is precious. The questions you ask, "Can I..." reverberate soundly into my being. Thank you for this!

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Deb, I'm so happy to hear this. Love that you are returning to your creative journey!

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Hello Sarah Bush! This post came at just the right time as I am unfolding out of a slump in the last day or so. And yes, I did get in touch with my mammal/ancient self, traveling to the high North and seeing the Aurora and the white on white on white that is the North in winter. Thank you for reminding me I am, not just trying.

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Hi Gay! Love that this post landed at the right time! And WOW--the Aurora and yes to white on white that is the North in winter!

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Wow. I love the phrase "unfolding out of a slump". What a great description of how that can feel. Seeing "the white on white on white that is the North in winter" is also poetic. Are you a poet, by chance? It sounds like it. I will also confess that I am envious of your seeing the northern lights. I hope to do that one day.

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Oh, Sarah, this one just leapt off the page and shook me. Thank you for your brilliant insights and the generosity to share yourself. Thank you. Thank you.

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Oh Paula, I love that it resonated! Thank you right back!

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Sarah, thank you for these inspiring insights. This came to me just as I am being encouraged by my Soul to loosen up, to be creative, try new ways of expression. It is after all a new year, which in fact has already lost its burnish as "new", and has very nearly become just "another" year with the Spring Equinox just around the corner. How much it helps me overcome my own fears to hear that even YOU have "beginner's jitters", as I stick my own art-devoid toe tentatively in the water of creativity. This is a goal of mine this year, to allow myself to get my hands dirty, to stumble, to "fail" or flail, so long as I am nurturing and allowing a creative impulse to emerge. It is always about the journey, and I must shed those outcome-oriented old constructs bound up in shame and fear of failure. Hold her in my lap until she is calm, and then put her down for a nap while I liberate myself. THANK YOU.

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So beautiful Lissa. It's a life long process, I think, cultivating a beginner's mind. And for those of us that pursue the new, the uncharted territory, thatcontinue to take little risks (or a big ones,) over the course of our lives, there's such a freshness there, in the new--anything is possible! I take such heart in that. And I think Gaia likes it, when we are expansive in our experience of what she offers.

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I keep thinking about this entry. It's one I will save and come back to reread now and then.

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LOVE that!

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I also really enjoyed your lovely "box" that conveys so much of the beauty of winter, particularly in the Southwest. Now I want to see it in person, and understand how you made it without glue!

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Thank you Laura!

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That poem is also fantastic. I will save that too.

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Sarah, what a wonderful analysis and description of the process of grappling with creative ambiguity—ideas that translate well to other forms of ambiguity in life beyond the arts.

I think I will make a little reminder card for my desk with your phrase "Love the process. vs. Try to accomplish." I am currently trying to learn something new, and although it's not art-related, the message is completely relevant.

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Yes, I think the beginner-hood process is similar for all our new quests! Glad it can help with your project as well. <3

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I guess beginners luck has to come in under preps

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hahahahaha--good one!

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Ahhhhhhhh nice topic.

I have this to add

“ Luck is when preparation meets opportunity “ 💓

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Hi Lynn, YES, I totally believe in that luck too! I think though, that it may be a different luck from beginner's luck--more like the luck that comes from hard work and commitment--and when it happens--such a wonderful gift for as well, right? Giant hugs!!

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